Many of Michael’s books are available, either new or second-hand. Click on the covers below for more information.
This list shows the date of publication and first publisher of all of Michael’s books. Several of the books listed appeared with other publishers in second or subsequent editions, occasionally with a change of title.
2 Peter Reconsidered (Tyndale Press 1961)
The Authority of Scripture (CPAS 1963)
The Holy Communion – doctrine in dispute (Falcon 1963)
Called to Serve (Hodder and Stoughton 1964)
Choose Freedom (IVF, later IVP, 1965)
The Meaning of Salvation (Hodder and Stoughton 1965)
Man Alive (IVP 1967)
Runaway World (IVP 1968)
Tyndale Commentary on 2 Peter and Jude (IVP 1968)
Evangelism in the Early Church (Hodder and Stoughton 1970)
Jesus spells Freedom (IVP 1972)
New Life, New Lifestyle (Hodder and Stoughton 1973
I believe in the Holy Spirit (Hodder and Stoughton 1975)
You must be joking! (Hodder and Stoughton 1976)
The Truth of God Incarnate 1 (Hodder and Stoughton 1977)
Evangelism: Now and Then (IVP 1979)
Why bother with Jesus? (Hodder and Stoughton 1979)
The Church and Homosexuality 2 (Hodder and Stoughton1980)
I believe in Satan’s Downfall (Hodder and Stoughton 1981)
What is Christianity? (Lion 1981)
The Day Death Died (IVP 1982)
To Corinth with Love (Hodder and Stoughton 1982)
Freed to Serve (Hodder and Stoughton, 1983)
Was Jesus who he said he was? (IVP 1983)
World on the Run (IVP 1983)
Come, Follow me (UCCF 1984)
Choose Freedom (Lakeland 1984)
The empty cross of Jesus (Kingsway 1984)
Baptism (Hodder and Stoughton 1987)
Tyndale Commentary 2 Peter and Jude (IVP UK; Eerdmans 1987)
Matthew for Today (Hodder and Stoughton 1988)
Ten myths about Christianity 3 (Lion 1988)
Evangelism through the local Church (Hodder and Stoughton 1990)
Reflections from the Lion’s Den (Kingsway 1990)
Who is this Jesus? (Hodder and Stoughton 1991)
My God (Eagle 1991)
On your Knees (Eagle 1992)
Acts for Today (Hodder and Stoughton 1993
Good news and how to share it (BRF 1993)
Springboard for Faith 4 (Hodder and Stoughton 1993)
New Testament Spirituality: True Discipleship and Spiritual Maturity 5 (Eagle 1994)
Critical Choices (IVP 1995)
Closer to Jesus (Hodder and Stoughton 1995)
Sharing your Faith with a Friend (IVP 1995)
Strange Intelligence (IVP 1997)
After Alpha (Kingsway 1998)
Evangelism for Amateurs (Hodder and Stoughton 1998)
The Best Decision I ever Made 6 (Hodder and Stoughton 1999)
Jesus (Eagle 1999)
Bible Reading for Amateurs (Hodder and Stoughton 1999)
The Message of Matthew (IVP 2000)
Churchgoing for Amateurs (Hodder and Stoughton 2000)
Adventure of Faith (Zondervan 2001)
Asian Tigers for Christ (SPCK 2001)
But don’t all religions lead to God? (Sovereign World / IVP 2002)
Sharing your faith with a friend (IVP 2002)
30 Years that Changed the World (IVP 2002)
Church without Walls (Paternoster 2002)
Living the Story 7 (Eerdmans; Lime Grove House; Regent College 2003
Forgotten Dynamite (Kingsway 2003)
A prayer journey with the Apostle Paul 8 (Zondervan 2004)
The Books the church suppressed (Monarch 2005)
I’d like to believe, but… 9 (IVP 2005)
In search of Spirituality (Monarch 2007)
Lies, Lies, Lies! (IVP 2009)
Compelled by Joy (IVP 2011)
Jesus for Sceptics (UCCF Bethinking with Creative 4 International 2013)
The Way Forward (Anglican House 2013)
When God breaks in (Hodder and Stoughton 2014)
In touch with God 10 (SPCK 2017)
Jesus (Mission Assist and Bible Trust 2018)
Yes! (10Publishing 2011)
Through the New Testament (Bible Trust 2019)
Evangelism: Learning from the Past (IVP forthcoming)
1 Editor. Jointly written with Christopher Butler, Brian Hebblethwaite, John Macquarrie and Stephen Neill
2 Jointly written with David Holloway and David Watson
3 Jointly written with Gordon Carkner
4 Jointly written with Alister McGrath
5 Jointly written with R Paul Stevens
6 Contributor
7 Jointly written with R Paul Stevens
8 With Elspeth Taylor
9 With Nick Spencer
10 Jointly written with Rosemary Green